The Origin Story
Hot Pop Plasma is an art studio that uses a very old, very persnickety plasma cutter. I am the artist and content creator of said company, which is only about (give or take) three people large. My name is Anna. Hi. How are you?
This newly begun business is officially existing as of mid-February 2025. My partner, Jan, hatched up this diabolical plan a few months ago, based on the fact that he was sitting on an unused CNC plasma cutter. He took one look at me and thought to himself, “Well Anna, you certainly aren’t doing much as an artist, with your silly pens and paper. Here! Have a piece of large machinery you don’t know how to use!” And thus, Hot Pop Plasma was born. This two-ton screaming baby was proudly birthed on Electric Avenue (no joke) in West Allis, WI.
Hot Pop Plasma’s most important member, Alex, runs the beast- I mean machine. I could do it but it’d probably blow up, and then I’d be back on the streets with nothing but my pens and paper. No one wants to see that. Gross.
Hot Pop Plasma was created to make affordable abstract sculpture for the common people. I have admired museum quality folk art for way too long and thought, “Maybe some other nerds, such as myself, would appreciate being able to afford such rustic luxuries.” I let the intrusive thought win, for better or worse. I also wanted to make witchy stuff, since that is also my brand of nerdiness. And because it sells. Mama (that’s me) is a Capricorn moon sign, so you know I’m not just doing this for “fun.” Lastly, I am a sucker for pop art and the new maximalist/post-modern style furnishings/artwork that has exploded recently.
So! Folk art, witchy art, pop art… No, it doesn’t all mesh, but neither does the inner workings of this existence. Hot Pop Plasma wants to make what you want. You can find a hundred plasma cutter businesses that make mountain-scapes and coyotes and outlines of sexy ladies, but what about that weird thing you like? I’ll design it for you and I’ll like it. You want a tardigrade? Done. A life-size silhouette of Bad Bunny? Okay sure. A custom-fit MST3K frame for your TV? Absolutely. (Wait, that’s a really good idea, lemme write that down.)
I digress. Hello. Welcome. Check out our shop.